Thursday, February 7, 2013

And so it begins...

Looks like I've got a bit of studying to do!

Needless to say, it's about time I get started on this year's goals.


  1. Congrats on starting the instrument rating! The hardest rating to obtain but worth every minute invested.

    1. Thanks! I'm definitely looking forward to it. Now, if only money grew on trees... :)

  2. You're gonna do great! For me it hasn't been the money, it's been the time.

  3. Congrats on taking the leap. I have the Rod Machado Instrument Pilot's Survival Manual and like it thus far. I also have the Sporty's IFR iPad app. I have been enjoying it because I can donwload videos and watch them at the gym or at lunch so I am making more progress consuming the volumes of information needed for this rating.

    1. Thanks! It's a lot to learn but I enjoy learning about everything aviation... so in that sense, it's not too bad.

      I think I'm one of five pilots in the US without an iPad so no Sporty's app for me. I have considered getting a Nexus 7 + Garmin Pilot once I start flying, though.

  4. Steve- I fly with the Nexus 7 w/the Garmin pilot app and it works great on x/c flying! The Nexus does have a good internal GPS and an internal gyro, but I've also paired mine with an external Dual GPS for redundancy and stronger signal.

    1. Thanks for the PIREP! Gina (my wife) just got a Nexus 7 and I intend on giving it a trial run in the cockpit - and perhaps buying one for myself once I really start into the IR flying.
